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A BIG THANKS to everyone that came out and Fished at our Very First Catfish Tournament. So Proud of our Partner on this event the Slater American Legion Post # 78 what a great group to work with. The Big Fish of the Tournament belonged to Clint Gesling weighing in at 46.4 lbs. Clint also took 1st place with a total weight of 57.1 lbs. 2nd Place went to Marty Darrah with a total weight of 50.5 lbs and 3rd went to Wayne Stevens and Joe Burkhart with a total weight of 48.9 lbs. ...Congratulations to all the winners. A Huge Thank You to The Wood Shed of Carrollton, Orschelns Farn and Home of Carrollton, The Vox Box of Marshall, and WalMart of Marshall. When you stop by these stores please thank them for Helping us put this great event on. To Brian Sowers thank you so much for MCing our weigh in it was a pleasure having you with us. To Tim Berger thanks for allowing us to use your scales. A big thanks to the City of Waverly for allowing us to host this great event in your fine city. Thanks to all the Volunteers and everyone that had a hand in helping us with this tournament. Looking forward to next year and Happy Fishing.

Check out our Facebook page for some videos of the tournament.

A Hugh thanks to Patrick Terri with Aerial Updates for the videos.

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